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Lingual braces

Lingual braces are the only genuinely invisible brace system

High-tech braces that are fitted to the back of the tooth on the tongue — or lingual — side of the teeth.

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Lingual Braces

What are lingual braces?

Lingual appliances are the next-generation high-tech braces that are fitted to the back of the tooth.

Because they’re behind your teeth, they’re invisible when you smile. The brackets are manufactured to be extremely flat, precise and reliable giving an as outstanding a result as traditional fixed braces.

Are they right for me?

For many, the look of conventional metal braces puts them off having corrective orthodontic treatment.

For image-conscious teenagers, working professionals, and others who don’t want to draw extra attention to their tooth straightening in progress lingual braces are the answer.

The only way to know for sure whether these braces are right for you is to consult with an orthodontist.

Overall, lingual braces can correct the same kinds of alignment issues as traditional fixed braces. But some patients with very deep bites might have to reconsider their options are they can often run into some trouble with brackets popping off more frequently.

With all lingual appliances, you will need to take extra care when keeping them clean. We recommend you visit the dental hygienist a little more often to help maintain optimal dental health.

How does it work?

We offer a number of different lingual brace systems, each suited to different types of teeth straightening. So we can either fit universal brace brackets or we can have custom brackets made specifically for you. Your orthodontist will advise you on the best treatment option for your specific need.

All treatment will begin with accurate dental impressions. Then, if you require custom brackets the impressions are sent to the laboratory where the technicians, along with your orthodontist, tailor the optimal corrections for your misaligned teeth in order to perfect your smile. The treatment plan aims to transform your smile in the shortest possible time frame.

And, if you’re more suited to the universal brackets we’ll book you a ‘bond-up’ appointment as soon as is convenient to you, without the delay of sending impressions to the laboratory.

Once your brackets have been fitted, we will see you every 6-8 weeks for adjustments and wire changes.

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